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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Baa #2

Remember the times when you were young, and your parents would nag you for spending too many hours watching the idiot box?
They would nag you to get off it cause too much telly would spoil your eyes, make you lazy, turn your brain to mush etc etc.
But our good friend, the Bald Monk, has the REAL reason why we can't watch too much.

Bald Monk:
Guys, do you know why you can't watch telly for hours to end?
This for example. *points to long distance marathon show*
If you keep watching the telly, how are the athletes going to rest?
How are they going to eat, sleep or even go to the bathroom?
They have to keep performing because you are watching!
If you don't turn the telly off, how can these poor souls catch a break?
Thus, if you watch telly for long hours, these people might actually die from exhaustion!
Who will perform shows for us if these people in shows die because you watch too much and too long!


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